Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nina Takes Over!

Earlier this month, my fabulous friend Nina Williamson asked me to do a guest post on her blog! So in return, I asked her to guest post on my blog as well. Check it out! 
And look for my daily post later today! 


It's really a bad thing, but Christmas just kind of snuck up on me, even with dear Brennan's Ugly Sweater Countdown, I still had no idea Christmas was already here! Eek!
Let me introduce myself. 
Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!
I'm also known as Nina, and I blog over at Grand Adventures of Me about cuddling with Stinkbugs, Christmas traditions, and more.
Brennan is letting me grace his blog with my presence today to show you . . . . MY UGLY SWEATER!

My Sister had a Tacky Sweater Christmas Party last week where I felt assuredly awkward and helped my mom wrap presents instead because I didn't know any of my sister's friends from her school. But it is what it is. It was still a fun time! I would show you all the delicious fun snacks that she made that were totally Pinterest worthy, but this blog is about sweaters. Not food. It really was the cutest little party this side of the Mason Dixon Line.
I made my tacky sweater (which was actually just an XS shirt from the Men's section at Walmart) all by myself. I stole the idea off Pinterest, but I mean, I'm not a Pinterest artist, so it, of course, looked nothing like the Pinterest photo. Instead, it looked even better!!! I flipped the shirt inside out because it's actually a nice shirt, and I'll probably wear it for real one day after I take off the garland and jingle bows and such.
One of my ornaments fell off, but minor details.
Paired with a Christmas Tree skirt, I was the tackiest sweater at the party!
I told Brennan if I didn't win the prize I was going to be ticked. He told me just to steal it and run away, but it never came to that, thank goodness. Instead, I got to stand there with my tacky sweater in all of my star shining glory.
I think my favorite party of the outfit, though, was my Star headband. That took some serious work, folks. Hot glue did not work, but tying a bunch of tacky string worked, and made it all the more awkward looking!
And that's all I have for you today, be sure to check my blog out!
Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year :)

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