Good morning, friends!
I'm running way behind schedule this morning. I told myself that I'd be on top of it this year and write all of the blog posts the night before, if not earlier. However, I was up until after 1:00 am decorating my apartment... So, needless to say, I didn't get it written last night. I'm barely keeping my eyes open as I type this... Hold, please. I'm going to go get more coffee.
Okay, that's better. Did everyone have a good weekend? Get any Christmas shopping done? I'm SO far behind this year. Most everyone I know is already done, and I've barely started. Mostly, I'm just waiting to get paid on Friday... Ha!
Unrelated fun fact: yesterday's blog post had the lowest number of views in my blog's history. I don't particularly do this for the numbers because it's just a fun holiday tradition, but I'm wondering if it's because people would rather appreciate the photos on Facebook and Instagram than read anything I post here... Which is totally fine!!! I don't know. Just thinking "out loud" here. What are your thoughts?
Ok, enough babbling. Let's get to why you're really here!
Yup. Here it is, in all its glory!
This picture reflects my current mood this morning.
My favorite thing about these kinds of sweaters is that there's really not a theme except ALL THE CHRISTMAS THINGS. It's like a Christmas collage.
It's actually very itchy, and the sleeves aren't long enough. I'm making it work!
Yeah, I got nothing else to say. Bye.
Thanks again, Billy!
None today! Send me your pics at
Okay, I really need to get back to my actual job. I hope you have a FANTASTIC day.
Stay tacky,
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