Thursday, December 20, 2018

Year 8, Day 20!

Goodness, it's been a morning! I had a stranger yelling at me for no particular reason and I am still shooketh. The computers at the office don't seem to be working. I'm just ready to go home!

But, I'm trying to stay positive... So let's get on with today's post! 

YEAR 8, DAY 20

Llama with antlers and glasses! 

I've seen an uptick in llama popularity in the last several years... I'm not sure why, but I figured that I'd jump on the bandwagon. This llama looks particularly festive, but also stylish and smart. 

I really love the sequins and the pattern on the arms. 

It's another super long sweater, so it's perfect to just lounge around the house in and read. 
 Who doesn't love to curl up with a good book? I've recently decided to revisit the Anne of Green Gables series. It's one of my favorites. 

Oops, I better hold the book down because the llama likes to read too... 



Susan sent me a picture of her shirt! She says, "3 years ago today I was in Colorado doing what turned out to be one my favorite activities: skiing! Who knew? Hence, the squirrels skiing sweater today." 

Super cute, Susan! I love it! 

If you have a picture you'd like featured, email me at



That's all for today! We're getting close to the end... Stay tuned.

Stay tacky, 

- Brennan

1 comment:

  1. I always look forward to your posts, but I like the ones that feature ME in the guest submissions! :)
