Saturday, December 2, 2017

Year Seven, Day Two!

Hello, friends! 

So, yesterday's blog post had more views than any other post since the beginning of this blog! WOW! I'm so blown away. Thank you for sharing it! I can't believe that after all these years people are still enjoying this. I got so many texts and messages yesterday from people saying how glad they are that it's back again. Thank you all so much.


When we were kids, my sister was OBSESSED with everything Garfield. She checked out every Garfield comic book in the library multiple times, she'd read the strip in the paper every day (and sometimes cut it out), and she loved the Garfield cartoons. She'd probably be embarrassed by me writing about it... So, today's sweatshirt is dedicated to her!

I found this sweatshirt at a thrift store, and I was a bit confused. I mean, I've never really seen Garfield as a biker type before. Upon further investigation, I did see images of him online riding a Harley. I might have to write to Jim Davis and ask if it canon. 

Also. If he is taking over as Santa as this image shows, how does he get to places overseas?  I'm reading into this too much. I'm going to stop.

Whether or not he rides a motorcycle as Santa or not, Garfield loves Christmas.

I could go for some lasagna right now. 



Julia sent me these pictures via SnapChat yesterday! Isn't she just the cutest? 


I found this playlist on Spotify today called "Garfield Christmas." I'm not sure what these songs have to do with Garfield, but hey! It's fun!


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Ok, I am off to do some Christmas shopping and see a movie with Kendra!

Stay tacky,


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