Friday, December 15, 2017

Year Seven, Day Fifteen!

It's finally the weekend, folks! 

Wow, what a day! Sorry that I'm late to posting again! I've been on the run all day. Today was our office Christmas party, and it was so much fun. After work, I had voice lessons, I had dinner with a friend, and then I went to the high school's production of The Little Mermaid.

Ok, enough about my day... Let's get to the sweater! 


Have a very beary Christmas! 

My friend told me that this sweater looked like I was wearing a rug. To be honest, I agree with him! 

Also, to go with the sweater, look what I found! My Christmas Bear from when I was but a wee child. 

Cute. I don't know why I felt the need to share that.

That's it! Woohoo! 


I have several AMAZING guest pictures today! I'm so excited! 

First, Ginger sent me these pictures of her friend Eva's entry for an Ugly Christmas Sweater contest at her library. The library patrons got to decide who won. 

How AMAZING is that?!

Eva wanted us to particularly take note of the Christmas pickle, the shameless self-promotion, and that she "tinkled like Father Christmas." Also, the candy canes taped to the sweater were used for bribing people to vote for her! Eva, you look great! Did you win?!

Second, I got a Facebook message from Biji! She works with my dad, and they had an Ugly Sweater Day at work today.

So cute!! These two were the only ones in her department that participated, so she also sent the company picture as well. (Sadly, dad had the day off work today, so he didn't participate. Rude.)

Looking good, folks! 

Finally, Resa sent me this picture of her wearing her mother's Christmas shirt.

She said, "Mom says this shirt is older than me. I believe her. It's wonderfully hideous."

I got to see Resa tonight, so we had to take a picture together! 

That's all for today!


A friend of mine introduced me to Dave Barnes in college, and I really enjoy his voice. 


Send your pics to

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Woohoo! Have a good night!

Stay tacky,

- Brennan

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