Monday, December 5, 2016

Day Five: Shiny Ornaments

We're finally decorating for Christmas!

Yeah, I know we're a little bit behind. Some families put up their tree right after Halloween. Some put up theirs Thanksgiving weekend. Our family kind of gets around to it whenever. It's not that we're not into it or anything, we just kind of take our time. No big rush. Although, let's be real. This is about the extent of my helping:

I'm sitting here typing this on Sunday night because I have to be up ridiculously early and I have a full day tomorrow. I'm also extremely exhausted, so if I don't make any sense, I apologize!


I'm tempted to just throw this sweater on the tree and call it good! It has all the ornaments you could ever need! 

Suns! Moons! Stars! Garland! Glitter! SO FANCY! 

Since there is so much going on with this sweater, I wasn't sure what to say. I texted my good friend Elizabeth to get her input. The first thing she said was "WOOOOOWWWW." That pretty much sums it up. She also said, "It's like a strange Christmas dream sequence. Like what it would be if you lived inside a Christmas tree." Agreed!

What would you say to describe it? I'd like your feedback! 

I've always enjoyed watching Tim Allen. Probably because one of my favorite things to do growing up was watching Home Improvement with my dad. So naturally, his Disney movie The Santa Clause was a staple in our house. It's the timeless story of a dad who takes over the job of being Santa. If you haven't seen it, make sure to watch it. (However, I'd avoid the sequels that lovingly refer to The Santa Clause 2: Eh, No Thanks and The Santa Clause 3: WHY GOD WHY.) I remember thinking that this scene was absolutely HILARIOUS as a kid. I still chuckle at it now: 


To quote a guy named Paul that I follow on Twitter, "Everyone knows the true meaning of Christmas is NSync." I broke out this album today and figured that if you haven't done so yet, it's time. 


Once again, I didn't have any guest submissions today. Sad face. Send me your pictures and I'll feature them on my page!

Also, make sure you go “like” my FACEBOOK page and “follow” the TWITTER account.

Let's be friends! Here are my personal Twitter and Instagram links.

Stay tacky,

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