Thursday, December 25, 2014

Year Four, Day Twenty Five!

Christmas is here! I can't believe it! 
This past year has gone by insanely fast!

I also can't believe this is my last post for 2014!
I'd like to thank YOU for your support of my weirdness and for keeping this joke alive for the last four years. I'm glad you've come along with me on this Christmas journey. 
It's been a wild adventure! 


This is it! Day 25!
I know it isn't the most ugly sweater that you've ever seen, but I have two reasons why I have saved this one for last this year.

1. The religious aspect. I've never been the type of person to shove my beliefs down your throat, so I won't type a sermon here. However, I will say that to me, Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. 

2. Precious Moments CREEP ME OUT. Seriously. I think I offended my step-mom earlier when I said that because she collects them. I would also like to apologize to any of you out there who like them.  If you're into the big heads with the sad puppy dog eyes, be my guest. But I just don't get it! No thank you!

My sister is joining me again today on this post! 

My aunt brought me this shirt back from Florida over Thanksgiving, but it was WAY too small for me, so I had my sister model it for me. Check out the flip-flops and palm trees!

Is this what Christmas in Florida looks like?

Hooray for Ugly Christmas Apparel!

Did you know that you can get Christmas sweaters for inanimate objects?? 
This is a new concept for me. I got this Christmas sweater in my stocking this morning... 
Thanks, Santa!

It's supposed to be for a wine bottle, but I don't currently have any wine in the house... 
Maybe my friend Jameson will grow into it.


My friend Jill Jansen and her family got me this personalized mug for Christmas! It's so cute, I just had to use it for the last day of my blog! It was so sweet of them to get this for me!

Several other people got me mugs this year, and I wish I could have featured them all this year. But don't worry! They are still loved! If I'm back next year, they might make an appearance! 


My friend Morgan sent me this awhile back. She said her husband got this as a gift from his work. Goes right along with the one I posted above!

Next, my dear friend Lauren Good sent me a picture of her lovely Christmas sweatshirt! 

She wanted to make sure you noticed the classic puffy paint. 

Looking good! 

My friend Jackie Hughes sent me this picture of her husband holding her dog and asked "Is it tacky if my dog is classy?"

I responded, "Yes because no matter how classy they look, dressing up your animals is tacky."

Still cute though!

Heather Moore sent me this picture of her cousin Morgan last night. Morgan wore this marvelous sweatshirt to Christmas Eve dinner. She found it on Etsy! Nice!

Last but not least, Rebecca Miller is up to her shenanigans again. She sent me these pictures of her dressed up as the ol' man himself!  

Thank you everyone for sending in your pictures! 
You've made this last blog post so epic!


You KNEW this was coming. 
Amy Grant Christmas music is my absolute favorite. I grew up listening to her, and she was my mom's favorite. Listening to this music always makes me feel a little bit closer to my mom. I miss her so much, especially around this time of year. 


That's a wrap! Thank you again for following this blog.
It means the world to me. You're the best.

Have a VERY Merry Christmas and an AMAZING New Year!

Stay tacky,
 - Brennan

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