Friday, December 5, 2014

Year Four, Day Five!

Okay. This morning has been rough. It makes zero sense because Fridays aren't supposed to be rough. So, if I don't look super thrilled about life in my pictures today, you know why.  Let's get to it! 


The classic denim shirt. So beautiful.

Ok, here's my question about shirts like this: JUST WHY? I know that I'm going to probably offend some people by this post, because I've already had a legit compliment on my shirt today. We all know people who wear shirts like this on the regular. Perhaps you do too? If so, I'm sorry. 
But please. Let's not.

While getting dressed this morning, I ran into to a dilemma. What kind of pants do I wear with this shirt? You can't wear jeans. Denim on denim makes it even worse. One time I wore a jean jacket with a pair of jeans, and it was the worst mistake of my life (Ok, not really. But it was up there). I decided on khakis, but I still feel hella ridiculous. 

The embroidered picture is of bears building snowmen. 
It's the same picture on the other side except a mirrored flip version. 

I really don't have much else to say, other than the fact this shirt smells weird.


Snowman! I got this mug in a gift exchange a few years ago. 
I think there was hot chocolate packets and a toothbrush in it. Random.


So, one of my favorite people, Erin Raines, sent me this picture of a mutual friend wearing a pretty epic ensemble. Meet our friend Michael Birkner! 

Ribbons with bells?! I'm slightly jealous! 

Direct quote from Michael:
"Brennan Tracy. This was picked up a Salvation Army. It could, perhaps, be the last one in existence!"

He's quite the cutie (although you can't tell from his faux beard. Sorry, Michael. My real one is better. xoxo)

Remember! If you want to be featured on my blog, that's awesome! Send me pictures!


So I was browsing the holiday music section of Spotify, and I came across this interesting compilation album. It's called "My Pop Christmas" and it has all the artists you love! Celine Dion! Elvis! *NSYNC! New Kids on the Block! Dido! Whitney Houston! Britney Spears! AND MORE!
Yeah, I don't get it either.

If Cyndi Lauper's "Christmas Conga" gets stuck in your head, I'M SORRY.


You know the drill.


Personal Twitter: @BrennanTracy
Personal Instagram: @brennanseth

I hope you enjoyed today's post!
I'm off to accomplish all the things. Maybe.

Stay tacky,
- Brennan

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