Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Year 9, Day 25!

The day is finally here! I hope you are having the most WONDERFUL day with your family, friends, and loved ones. It's been an awesome morning here at the Tracy family house. My heart is full. 

YEAR 9, DAY 25! 

This one might be my favorite. I might have said that already about the fast-food one the other day, but this one takes the cake. 

I don't know who decided that a Jesus and Titanic mashup would be a great idea, but I think it's GENIUS! 

When I walked into my dad's house, he could barely contain his excitement because there was a Titanic-themed gift in my stocking... A piece of coal from the actual Titanic! Yes, I got coal in my stocking. I've been naughty. 

I had a discussion with a friend about this sweater to see if it was sacrilegious or not. I think God has a sense of humor, so we decided it was more funny than anything. 



There we have it! That's all 25 days! 

Can you believe that another year is over?! I hope you've enjoyed. I love you all.

Stay tacky 

- Brennan

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