Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Year 10, Day 1!

 It's the greatest time of year, guys, gals, and non-binary pals! We're back! 

IT'S YEAR TEN! Who would have thought that this nonsense would have lasted so long?! 

How's your 2020 going so far?! I hope you all are doing well and staying safe out there. For me, life is a bit chaotic right now. I'm in the final few weeks of my grad school program, I'm working a relatively new full-time job, and I still work part-time at my church. I spent Thanksgiving alone in quarantine because I was exposed to the virus... But thankfully, I did not end up getting it (yet... *knocks on wood*).  Life, especially holidays, when you're single, living by yourself, and trying to survive in a worldwide pandemic can be a bit sad! Despite being a bit chunkier than last year, I'm healthy and I'm trying my best to be optimistic. So that's why I'm more excited than usual to be back doing this blog. We can use some extra Christmas cheer this year, right?! 

A few things are different about this year... Last year, the blog itself took a GIANT nosedive in views. With the blog link itself being blacklisted from Facebook, I did not get as many people visiting the blog itself. It's okay! I'm still spreading my cheer on the main Facebook page, the Instagram page, and Twitter. Some folks just like to see the picture and move on. That being said, I might not put *quite* as much effort into the blog portion each day. I'm not abandoning it by any means, but I'm juggling quite a bit in my life at the moment. I kind of stopped giving you a "Soundtrack of the Day" each day at the end of last year, so I've decided to officially retire that segment (unless I'm *really* feeling a specific album or song).  Everyone has their own music tastes, and after 9 years, and I'm fresh out of ideas!  I will still totally 100% feature guest pictures, but I probably won't specifically ask for them either. Y'all know how to get in touch with me. 

HOWEVER. Two of my very dear friends made me some Christmas face masks and I am SO pumped! I won't have a new one every day, but I can look cute and safe at work. Huzzah! 

So... without further ado... 

YEAR 10, DAY 1! 

I decided to go the more "traditional" route for the first sweater of the year. A red sweater with a Christmas tree? Truly an iconic look, if you ask me.

My mask was made by my good friend Jennifer Boatman at Wonderfully Made! 

That's all I have for today! Stay tuned, folks... I've got some great sweaters lined up for this year. I can't wait! 




1 comment:

  1. This seriously is my signal flare for the beginning of the Christmas season. Thanks for keeping it up. :)
